
Welcome to Running on Plants

A blog about endurance running, health, botany, and plant-based nutrition.  Enjoy my stories of running adventures, nature, recipes, and tips for complete health.  

Nadia "Nate" Stanis, RN, MS, LMT
 I am a nurse, botanist, and vegan nature nut.  Feel free to contact me with questions.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Nate. I just read a bunch of your entries including the one about your run around the whole island. Your story is so moving. You truly embody the spirit of perseverance. You are a reminder that the soul is indomitable. That the spirit can hold up mountains before crumbling. I'd love to hear more about your thoughts on why you are so strong, or how your will to never give up applies to other parts of your life.
