Thursday, April 4, 2013

Power and Progress

Lately, my thoughts have been a bit of a jumble, with plans for graduate school, a move, massage apprenticeship, a half Ironman in June, and an upcoming epic running adventure on the Appalachian Trail this summer.  Wow, no wonder my mind can't focus; it's full!

Running helps

Although to the outside observer this may seem like an awful lot to have on one's plate, however, I appreciate the fullness of my life and plans.  Otherwise would I really be living?  I suppose I prefer a life brimming over with ideas, connections, and love; rather than one that felt empty.

The fullness of my plate; salad with lentils, sweet potatoes, cucumber and tomato with a garnish of grapefruit for extra iron absortion.  All good stuff!

I believe this is in part what defines many endurance athletes; we grab life by the tail and go for it!  We do not wait for dreams and plans to happen to other people; letting time slip past as we save something for "later".  Who knows when later might come?

Last weekend, I participated in a fun Olympic Distance Triathlon, Lavaman, here on the Big Island.  This was just three weeks after my first Ultramarathon in Mexico.  Rather than feeling like this was too much, I saw it as an opportunity to recover with new sports, have fun and launch into training for the half Ironman I'll be doing this June.  

And it was super fun.  Fantastically fun.  I had a huge smile on my face throughout (besides the swim, where I was somewhat fighting for my life, but still...).  I was so happy to be outside, with other active folks, moving forward and using my body in a healthy way.

This past weekend, I camped and ran 34 miles over three days in Volcano National Park.  Yes, I'm going for it!  

My intake helps.  I believe that if it weren't for the food I prepare for myself, and the care I give to my body, I would not be able to accomplish these things with short amounts of recovery time.  

I'm dedicated to spreading these ideas about health, plant based diets and active life-styles to others.  Here is my classmate in massage school, who I am giving nutrition and running coaching to.  She's been psyched to eat more greens, healthy grains and is already starting to feel much more energetic.  

Running on plants makes me feel powerful.  I want to embrace this and do more.  I have a dream of running a farm based health and outdoor school; and started the formal non-profit, Wildstar Farm and Folk School last year.  This summer while running 400 miles of the Appalachian Trail, I will raise donations for the non-profit.

I'm looking forward to sharing my full plate with others!

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