Thursday, April 28, 2016

Back on the trail

It is spring, and I am inspired to share as much beauty as I can.

Honestly, my outlook on life lately has been more grim than usual, and my contribution to the earth and it's community of beings has somewhat reflected this attitude. 

Enough about the past! Spring is a perfect time to change things up and execute plans that have been cooking up all winter long.

Reba and I are ready to take on our next challenge!

While these plans are heating up, I've been up to some good cooking and running to ignite my creativity.  

Kale and Cabbage salad with ground carrots, garlic and white beans.
Build muscle, eat your greens!
While the changes I need to make in my life are going to take a bit of time to simmer (and I become increasingly impatient with my current circumstances), I decided to commit to blogging again and sharing tidbits from the beautiful parts of my days.

Nothing like avocado to feed this hungry beast!
Committing to running my tail off is part of my beautiful dish I'm bringing to the world's potluck of activity. So I've signed up for a June race in my hometown and begin a new training plan next week.

Maybe I'll join an eating competition instead.

Cheers to spring and running on plants!

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