Thursday, May 16, 2013

A New Challenge

"Some may say I'm a dreamer, 
but I'm not the only one.  
I hope one day you will join us, 
and the world can live as one." - John Lennon

A lot has been going through my mind lately as I transition into a new home and life in Oahu.  I am closely evaluating my habits, routines, values and actions, perhaps because the mirror is sometimes strongest during times of change.

And what I've been thinking about is this:  
How to follow my instincts and intuitions and to live my dreams.

Okay, this is a bit crunchy granola for some readers, but I do believe in the power of following our bliss; embracing our inner guide, honing our thoughts to create the life we want.

Sure, we might not right away think: I want to be a millionaire and have than manifest right away; but we may concentrate our efforts in life in accruing wealth, and through follow through and attitude, attain that wealth.

For me, there is this nagging THING.  This thing I keep feeling like I forgot to do.  For me, it is "Wildstar Farm and Folkschool"; starting an outdoor school.

For the past 10 years, I have seen this school as a culmination of all my joys and passions; a way to give back to others, to give to the earth and to give to myself.  

Interns working on building a solar shower as our first class on grey water at the farm.

Besides serving at risk youth as an alternative schooling with job training, team building and land based learning, the school would offer classes and workshops on farming, wilderness skills, botanical topics, herbal healing, yoga, trail running, you name it!  

I love this vision, and have drawn it, written about it, and finally 2 years ago, started it.  I found a piece of land to rent, I wrote up class schedules, I recruited board members and started a 501c3 non-profit organization, "Wildstar Farm and Folkschool."  

After the pilot season, the lease on the land went unsigned, I gave Wildstar a rest and I followed my bliss to Hawaii to train and focus on personal happiness.  Now, I am intent on seeing the vision through and remaining happy in Hawaii.  I want both!  I am intent on creating personal actions that benefit the wider goal of re-starting the farm school.

I suppose I feel the need, ever increasing, to take my disparagement about what I see around me and do something about it.  So, I'm challenging myself to do two things!

1)  I'm "working on the farm" again:  I'm putting together proposals and applying for grants to revive the vision and re-start the farm in California (possibly in Hawaii too!)

2)  I am "living my dream" by growing plants, cooking and creating foods from locally grown sources and sharing this with others (you!).     

Who doesn't love a challenge?!  

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