Monday, October 15, 2012

Balance and Preparation

Yes, I am leaving the day after tomorrow to embark on a journey to run 240 miles around the Big Island.  Currently, I am experiencing an intense combination of anxiety, nervousness, and excitement, along with pangs of open hearted emotion. 

I feel so full of gratitude and respect for this Island and the opportunities it has provided and feel so happy to give back by supporting Hawaii Conservation Alliance (HCA) and People's Advocacy for Trails Hawaii (PATH).   

There are still last minute logistics I am sorting through, and my TO DO list feels so daunting, I keep darting from thing to thing.  Currently, I'm going from calling friends about logistics, to typing at the computer, to making granola and natural energy bars to fuel my run!

Today, while doing shopping for the run, I walked the delicate balance between my values and the realities of running 10-30 miles per day.  I bought organic whole grain bread, dates, local bananas and tons of nuts and dried fruit yes.  But, I must admit... I also bought pepsi (GASP!!).  Okay, I bought the "throwback" version made with real sugar, but it still gave me mixed feelings.
I want to spread the word about health and wellness: eating food from FARMERS, right here in Hawaii, cutting down on our meats, processed foods and yes, sugar consumption. 
But I also know this... after a long run, I thoroughly enjoy a cold soda.  It's my once in a while, and I gotta say, it brings me joy.  In life, there is simply always comprimise; and I must admit, I appreciate the Pepsi company making a drink without High Fructose Corn Syrup.
I suppose if I were Catholic this post would be titled: "Forgive Me Father For I have Sinned."

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